Monday, June 30, 2008

Baby Pics!

So, today, we went for a Level I ultrasound. basic stuff to check for Down Syndrome, and the check minor development. We'll have a Level II at 20 weeks or so.

So, we get in the ultrasound room and the tech squirts that icky, sticky gel all over me. There, on the screen, we see Bumble for the first time since she's looked like a real baby, I saw her at a quickie ultrasound a few weeks back but, she kind of looked like a little alien.

When the tech first starts the exam, Bumble is asleep and not doing much. The tech takes the ultrasound probe and starts jiggling my belly. Bumble wakes up, throws her hands in the air and starts backing up against the back of her sac. As little as she is, she starts hitting at the probe! Like, you can see the probe making a dent in the amniotic sac and having never experienced anything like this before, I guess she is freaked out. But, she doesn't just sit there and let this strange thing invade her space, she starts attacking it, like defending herself. It was so amazing to see. I would never think that a little baby, only 13 weeks old would be able to think, strategize and go through with a plan but, that is exaclty what she did.

Time for shameless gushing:

Here is Bumble hitting at the probe that is invading her space. Poor little baby.
And, a womderful shot of Bumble's cute little nose.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Baby Kicks!

I'v been feeling this squirmy, weird feeling for the past few weeks. I asked my OB if the baby is moving he said, "No, its probably gas, you won't feel the baby until about 20 weeks". Yeah, whatever, I'm feeling Baby move, that brother doesn't know what he's talking about. When I'm laying really still at night, I feel brushing up against me but from the inside. I feel twinges and things that I can only describe as muscle spasms. I've never felt that before so, I assume its baby. Anyway, yesterday, we went to the mall. On our way back, we hit a pot hole and WHACK! I get this huge kick, right in my left lower part of my belly. It was really weird because, I've never felt anything like that and of course, gas doesn't kick. After the kick, I felt this movement, like heavier than before then, nothing. Gas, my foot!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Embarking on month 3

Things people never tell you about pregnancy until you are actually pregnant:

Pregnancy actually lasts 10 months. That nine month crap is for the birds.

I'm SO excited to have hit the 3 month mark! I'm SO impatient so, this is just great. I'm really accustomed to the idea of being pregnant now and getting more excited, it that's even possible. I'm starting to show which so far has been the most fun part of being pregnant. But, I'm such a ham about it as I rub my pooch all day, talking to baby as though she is a grown woman. I'm so in love with my baby and with being pregnant and have quickly turned into one of those obesessed with everything baby people that I once made fun of. Ah well.

So, I'm definitely changing. My skin is no longer dry and icky and is actually really gorgeous and soft, I look wonderful if I do say so myself. I haven't been half as hungry as I was in prior weeks and acutally, I can't eat as much as I did because my stomach hurts for hours if I do. I'm still extremely gassy, belching like a hog and making all kinds of noises I really didn't know I could make. I've been having a hard time sleeping for the entire night because

a) I have to pee every hour almost on the hour and
b) I can't seem to find a very comfortable position in which to sleep

I'm still sleepy all of the time.

When I get up in the morning, I have this general feeling of heaviness in my abdomen, boobs, legs and butt which I have to walk off before doing anything else.

But generally, I feel good and of course, I'm very happy.

I've nicknamed the baby Bumble since I have been calling her/him Baby or by the girl nameI have chosen.

I've begun reading to Bumble nightly, this week we are reading Chrysanthemum. Next week we'll probably read Grandmama's Joy.