Monday, August 18, 2008

My cat is PSYCHIC

So, normally my cat basically ignores me unless I have a bag or can of food in my hand. Other times, he kind of looks at me from afar, will sit next to me if I'm at my computer desk, will try to sleep in my bed at night but this is all for his benefit, there's no REAL love for me.

Lately when I come home, he runs from where ever he is and starts meowing until I rub his head. He sits next to me when I'm on the couch, lays next to me when I'm in bed, gazes into my eyes and has this far away "I'm on crack" look to him. Whatever, he's a cat, right?

The other day, I got out of the shower and laid across my bed (I was tired from taking my shower, something that never happened pre-pregnancy) I'm laying across the bed and Bumble is jumping around, kicking, generally having a good time in my belly. Cat jumps on the bed and stares RIGHT at my lower tummy. He's staring and purring then, he snuggles up against my belly and starts rubbing his head on me. Okay, he's a cat, right? "Get out of here cat!", he jumps off the bed. I like him but I don't want him rubbing himself against my naked body, that just doesn't seem right.

Another day, I'm sitting on the couch watching Dr. Katz. Again, Bumble is jumping, kicking, doing whatever it is she does in there and Cat jumps on the couch and stares at my belly. He stares and he purrs. He gazes into my eyes and makes these little kitten noises, he then takes his head and rubs it against my belly. This time, since I was clothed, I let him do this. I start to think he knows something is up.

Another day, I'm laying in bed going to sleep. I just finished reading to Bumble and shes moving around, again, doing whatever she does in there. Again, Cat gets really close to me, comes to my belly and starts licking it. I let him because I'm trying to see what he sees or hears or understands. He puts his paw on my belly and starts licking my belly and purring. It was really sweet. That night, he tries to sleep right next to my belly but with all of the tossing and turning I tend to do, it was very difficult for him.

So, my cat is psychic, I SWEAR he knows the deal.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stubborn Bumble

So the big day came, we got up bright and early for our very early appointment. We get to the hospital, sign in, I drink like an entire container of orange juice, wait like an hour and then we get ready to see our Bumble.

Obviously this kid has the sense of humor of both her mom and dad because she decided she would do nothing through the entire procedure. First of all, she was upside down, transverse, like she was crawling around in the sack. The sonographer, jiggled my belly, she kicked back in frustration. I probed my belly, she kicked back, at one point she both kicked and punch but, she wouldn't move, she wouldn't flip over. We got a good look at her heart and spine, a great look at her head and feet, but not much else. So, we have to go back in two weeks because Bumble just wouldn't cooperate.

Her she is in all her stubborn glory. Upside down, sleeping and not really wanting to be bothered.

Today however, she is all over the place. Our street is having a block party, I was out for a bit, barbecuing with my mom, listening to the forty different types of music everyone is playing and she is all over the place jumping, kicking, twirling. I bet you her little behind in right side up today.

So, in another two weeks maybe we'll get to see whats going on.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 20

Officially half way there!

Only 20 weeks to go.

It feels like sooooo much time has passed. Next pregnancy, I don't want to find out I'm pregnant until I'm like 3 months. This is taking forever. In celebration of our 20th week, here's a belly shot.

Note the big boobies:

Entering month 6. Only 4 months to go.

4 days to Level II ultrasound.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Its 4:10 am

It's 4:10 am
I'm currently eating manzanilla olives and slices of feta cheese wrapped in salami.

Only 7 days to big ultrasound!