Saturday, August 16, 2008

Stubborn Bumble

So the big day came, we got up bright and early for our very early appointment. We get to the hospital, sign in, I drink like an entire container of orange juice, wait like an hour and then we get ready to see our Bumble.

Obviously this kid has the sense of humor of both her mom and dad because she decided she would do nothing through the entire procedure. First of all, she was upside down, transverse, like she was crawling around in the sack. The sonographer, jiggled my belly, she kicked back in frustration. I probed my belly, she kicked back, at one point she both kicked and punch but, she wouldn't move, she wouldn't flip over. We got a good look at her heart and spine, a great look at her head and feet, but not much else. So, we have to go back in two weeks because Bumble just wouldn't cooperate.

Her she is in all her stubborn glory. Upside down, sleeping and not really wanting to be bothered.

Today however, she is all over the place. Our street is having a block party, I was out for a bit, barbecuing with my mom, listening to the forty different types of music everyone is playing and she is all over the place jumping, kicking, twirling. I bet you her little behind in right side up today.

So, in another two weeks maybe we'll get to see whats going on.

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