Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week 35

I think we're in the home stretch now. On the calendar 5 weeks to go but in reality, I think about 3. I'm all too happy to hear that. According to our last ultrasound, Bumble is about 6 pounds, a big baby and I am all too ready to get her out. We are about 90% done with her room. Dad put together her crib and dresser which came out beautifully and we all too happily filled it with her stuff. We just need to sweep and mop once again, wash her diapers, smoke out the house and we are done. I was home for a few days and I was all too happy to play mommy, fixing up things, putting things where they belonged, organizing her diapers and toys. Then, unfortunately, I had to go back to work. Work is just so hard now at times. I hurt almost all day. Bumble kicks so low, sometimes when I'm walking, I feel like I'm going to fall over. I did however turn in my official letter of resignation. I have mixed feelings about that. I officially have 16 days of work left. I almost can't wait.

For the past month or so, I was eating terribly. Cheeseburgers, pizza, wings, just stuff that I KNOW I have no business eating. Over the past week or so, I've gone back to my normal, pre-pregnancy eating habits, lots of fruit, veggies, water, etc. I do feel better though, I was a bit hungry in the beginning.

Things continue to progress very well. Slight issues here and there but nothing too serious. My feet are swollen, sometimes my legs, still have carpal tunnel syndrome. My skin is extra dry and my left hip hurts a bit but other than those things, can't really comlain too much. One week until full term and while of course I want her to be healthy and happy, I also want her little behind out!

So, here's to the last few weeks of pregnancy and hoping that the next time, we decide to do this (if we decide to do this) we don't find out I'm pregnant until I'm about 4 months along. This has been one looooooooooooong experience.

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